Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Finally...an understanding

With a more solid understanding of cubism and why the artists make specific choices that they do in the paintings, I was able to achieve a greater sense of what occurs spatially.  Here are the results.





  1. i'm surprised that, as suggested by this post, the topography of the current project didn't express the same spatiality... why?

  2. this realization was something that came during the building of the topographic model, so it unfortunately wasn't conveyed as well as i would have liked, but there is more or less still a sense of that space with the way the topographies become dependent on what object they corresponded to in the painting and paying attention to where that object would be in the 'real' space of the still life in order to determine the severity of the topographies in the model. i do believe that a more drastic change in levels could have evoked a better understanding of what occurs spatially in the painting.
